A few months ago, I wrote about visiting the five cars I rent space for in the warehouse in...
Resto & Mod
Breathing New Life Into A Classic M3: Project Concord Loses Its Head
Mike Bevels, , Community, Resto & ModLast November, I purchased a 1998 Cosmos Black Metallic M3 Sedan (E36) equipped with a five-speed-manual transmission. I’ve written...
Over and over, I hammer this issue of “the Big Seven” things likely to strand a car that’s decades...
Last week I wrote about entertaining the possibility of selling my Z3 M Coupe. Things are currently stalled, as...
First, we need to take care of some unfinished business. In last week’s piece about repairing some low-hanging fruit,...
Last week, I wrote about two simple repairs on my daily-driver E39 530i stick sport—replacing the chattering front rotors...
I routinely describe my 2003 E39 530i stick sport as the best daily driver I’ve ever owned. Unfortunately, it’s...
Due to the wonders of Facebook, I am being deluged by memories of where I was this weekend last...
In the repair world, there are “hard failures” and “soft failures.” Hard failures are things that instantly drag a...
Last week, as part of my effort to transfer and modernize the Clardy a/c system that had been in...
Last week, I accepted a request from my friend and Vintage caravan compatriot Jose to swap the Clardy a/c...
My friend Jose, with whom I’ve caravanned back and forth to the Vintage in Asheville multiple times, recently bought...
A few years ago, I wrote a piece for Hagerty that was something of a spring roll-out checklist—eleven things...
Back in February, I wrote about the question of what to do with the original numbers-matching engine from my...
Last week, I whined at what a pain in the patootie it was getting rid of a few large...
A few weeks ago, I wrote about needing to move the dead numbers-matching engine from my 3.0CSi that’s been...
Every once in a while I receive an email that stops me in my tracks and makes me smile...
Forget The Numbers-Matching Engine—What Do You Do With The Front Subframe?
Rob Siegel, , Resto & ModA few weeks ago, I wrote about the issue of what to do with the numbers-matching engine I pulled...
Last week I wrote about beginning the long-delayed replacement of the shattered front bumper cover on Zelda, my 1999...
I bought my 1999 Boston Green Z3 2.3i, Zelda, in 2013 and loved it for five years, but reluctantly...
Last week I presented a short (?) photographic history of the 1973 E9 3.0CSi I bought in 1986—a car...
Over the 37 years I’ve owned it, I’ve written quite a bit about my 1973 E9 3.0CSi, including a...
Ah, the parasitic drain—the thing that drains your battery when you haven’t driven your car in a week. On...
A few weeks ago, I wrote about driving to Connecticut to score a very well-priced Recaro office chair (if...
The mighty Kugelfischer—a mechanical fuel injection pump that was factory-installed on a variety of performance-oriented vehicles of the late...
The distributor in the photo below looks normal, but don’t let it fool you. It is evil. It is...
My four-hour drive last weekend to pick up the orange spectrum Recaro office chair and the replacement front bumper...
Thanks for all the comments about the needy six-speed X3, and for not egging me on to do something...
Last week, I left you with a cliffhanger: Was I really going to pull the trigger on a thousand-dollar...
Last week I wrote about wondering whether I could thread the needle and buy an inexpensive project before the snow...