Congratulations to this week’s Shell Fill-Up Friday winner, LA Chapter member Jayson Chan (IG @emdeucee), who won a $50...
Resto & Mod
You may already have read the sad news: Bob Merhrman, BMW CCA Member #1, passed away on February 17...
Congratulations to this week’s Shell Fill-Up Friday winner, LA Chapter member Wendy Roy (IG @runrwendy), who won a $50...
I didn’t plan that last week I would look at two very different niche German wagons and have the...
Congratulations to this week’s Shell Fill-Up Friday winner, Jarrod Coleman, who won a $50 Shell fuel card thanks to...
Last week I made the surprise announcement that, to ease my cash flow and simplify my life a bit,...
Congratulations to the winner of this week’s $50 Shell fuel card, E30 Chapter president and all-around BMW enthusiast, Chris...
I gave a talk in Huntsville Alabama last weekend at the Heart of Dixie chapter’s annual kick-off party. In...
Congratulations to this week’s Shell Fill-Up Friday winner, Sacramento Chapter member Lacha Kayavong, who won a $50 Shell fuel...
Last week, after driving down to Greer with my friend Andrew Wilson to attend the closing ceremony of the...
Congratulations to last week’s Shell Fill-Up Friday winner, Tarheel Chapter member Sharon Ashmore, who won a $50 Shell fuel...
Louie, the sort-of-survivor 1972 2002tii that I bought sight-unseen in Louisville almost exactly two years ago, has spent the...
Congratulations to last week’s Shell Fill-Up Friday winner, Tarheel Chapter member Brian Marks, who won a $50 Shell fuel...
A few weeks ago, a ’74 Bavaria out in Agawam, Massachusetts, showed up in a Craigslist search. The ad...
Congratulations to last week’s Shell Fill-Up Friday winner, Dan Wohlfarth, who won a $50 fuel card with this shot...
The day began like many others: I went out to the garage and backed the Lama, the 5 Series,...
Congratulations to BMW CCA member Donovan Wallace, our latest Shell Fill-Up Friday winner! Donovan shared a photo of his...
Two weeks ago, I wrote about how the combination of my steadily-increasing number of cars and the uncertainty regarding...
Congratulations to this week’s Shell fuel card winner, Jeremy Whittle, who won $25 of Shell V-Power NiTRO+ thanks to...
In the summer of 2015, I wrote a series of articles (“A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To...
Congratulations to this week’s Fill-Up Friday winner, Sonora Chapter member Kevin Collins, who won a $25 Shell fuel card...
Although I spent the summer and fall cheerfully dealing with Bertha and the Lama, there’s been a cloud hanging...
Congratulations to Golden Gate Chapter member Patrick Geng, winner of this week’s $25 Shell fuel card with this photo...
Last week, I described driving the insured but unregistered Lama a bit farther than the around-the-block sort-out runs I’d been...
This week’s winner of a $25 Shell fuel card in our Fill-Up Friday contest is Puget Sound Chapter member...
A few weeks ago, as I was closing in on getting the Lama (the worse-than-expected 535i I’d bought sight-unseen...
Our Shell fuel card winner this week is particularly cool, being one of our regular entrants and with perhaps...
As I write this, it’s the day after we hosted Thanksgiving for 30 people and it’s 15 degrees out....
Congratulations to Boston Chapter member Doug Ingram, our latest Shell Fill-Up Friday winner! Doug has won a $25 Shell...
After I submitted last week’s piece describing reassembling and reinstalling the Lama’s head, I thought that I might have the...