Once Bluto the 2004 X5 and I warmed to each other, I was faced with the age-old winter wheel-and-tire...
Author Archive for: rsiegel
There’s a rhythm that occurs when you consider switching up your ride and buying a new used car. You...
Last week I did something quite unexpected: I bought a 2004 X5 equipped with a six-speed manual gearbox, the...
If you’re like me (and, if you are, my condolences) you find that there’s something about the impending arrival...
After the mania of the past month—which included buying Hampton the 48,000-mile ’73 2002 and towing it back from...
I began last week’s piece with the following: “I write this from BMW CCA Oktoberfest in Greenville, South Carolina....
I write this from BMW CCA Oktoberfest in Greenville, South Carolina. I came down in my ’72 2002tii, Kugel,...
My last three pieces were about purchasing and towing home a 48,000-mile original-owner 1973 2002 that had been sitting...
Last week, I described driving down to Bridgehampton with a truck and trailer to look at an original-owner ’73...
Last week I talked about having an inside line on a 48,000-mile original-owner ’73 2002 in Bridgehampton that had...
As car nuts, we all want to be where lightning strikes—to have the intel no one else has, giving...
Last week I described going on a most uncharacteristic cleaning binge with Kugel, my 2002tii—well, one of them—scrubbing off...
With the faux tii off to a new home, I’ve had the chance to turn my sights to other...
This will probably be the final piece in this series describing my foster parenthood of “The Faux Tii,” the...
Last week, I finally got the faux tii’s fuel system buttoned up using a less than spotless but adequately...
Last week, I resolved to get the free faux tii running so I could evaluate the condition of its...
(With apologies to Ernest Hemingway and Francis Macomber) A few months ago, I wrote about being offered and accepting...
In my former life as a software engineer, I’d sometimes experience the following: You’d have a bug in a...
Our story thus far: I’d installed air-conditioning into my 1973 E9 3.0CSi twenty years ago. It worked adequately, though...
Last week, I decided that, with the evaporator assembly out of my 1973 3.0CSi, I should evaluate the blower...
When we last saw my E9’s air conditioning, I had removed the evaporator assembly from under the dash to...
Over the years I’ve devoted a fair amount of ink in Roundel—and electrons here online—to my first and second...
We own our cars for a number of reasons. Those might be passion, performance, status, comfort, fuel economy, cargo...
For a number of reasons, the a/c repair in my E9 coupe is stalled, but while I have the...
Last week I told you about ripping apart the air-conditioning in my precious ’73 3.0CSi, including removing and dismantling...
The piece I wrote last week in which I compared and contrasted the tii, the Bavaria, and the 3.0CSi...
Now that I’m back from the Vintage and the 2,000-mile chapter on my hijinks with Bertha is closed, I’m...
In last week’s piece, Bertha—my rust-blistered resurrected 2002—and I had successfully knocked off the 900 miles from Boston down...
I ended last weeks’ piece with the cliffhanger that everything was going swimmingly prepping Bertha for the 2000-mile round...
For most of the first four months of 2019, my head was living in Lotusland as I worked like...