The May 2024 issue of BMW Car Club Magazine: Roundel is now available for all BMW CCA members to read online. This is the first full issue of Roundel to be exclusively available in digital formats.
BMW CCA members can read the May 2024 issue by using their BMW CCA website account.
- Log into your account at
- Go to
If a member has any trouble logging in, they can click the “Request New Password” link to have their credentials sent to their email address on file with BMW CCA headquarters. If a member no longer has access to their email account or has another issue, they can call BMW CCA headquarters at 864-250-0022.
Once logged in to the website, BMW CCA members can then choose the new May issue or read any issues in the vast library containing over 20 years of Roundel issues.
Recent issues of BMW Car Club Magazine: Roundel are available in two handy formats: flipbook and mobile-first. The flipbook version works best on desktop or laptop screens. The mobile-first version is designed to adapt to the smaller screens of mobile devices, making the magazine easier to read on your phone or tablet. Learn more about the two format options here.

Members can read over 20-years worth of Roundel issues online.
The May 2024 issue includes most of Roundel’s traditional content, including: award-winning columnists, outstanding feature stories focused on BMW enthusiasm, the always-helpful Tech Talk, entertaining Briefs, member Letters, and coverage of club motorsports with Racing Lines and Racing Briefs.
- The May 2024 issue includes a review of BMW’s X7.
- Racing features continue to cover the best of BMW Motorsports.
- Catch up on fin BMW, MINI, and Rolls-Royce news with Briefs.
- BMW CCA member-favorite columns give unique enthusiast perspectives!
Why A Digital Only Issue?
The cost to print and distribute a magazine has risen dramatically over the last decade. At the same time that advertisers have largely migrated to online marketing efforts. After conducting a professional survey of members, reviewing the results, and working to balance financial and membership needs, BMW CCA remains determined to keep delivering the members-only content exclusive to BMW Car Club Magazine: Roundel, although it will sometimes arrive to members’ email in-boxes rather than their postal boxes. This lets club members keep receiving the members-only content they want in a way that is financially sustainable.
BMW CCA Central Region Vice President Jeff Gomon writes in this issue, “We have watched car-related magazines with far greater numbers of subscribers, including Road & Track, Car and Driver, Motor Trend, and Hot Rod, move from printing issues monthly to every other month, quarterly or to purely digital-only formats. Others such as Automobile and Car Craft have simply expired. Hardest to accept is that TEN Publishing, which owns 22 automotive publications, is ending the print edition of all but three, moving their titles to fully-digital formats.” Members can read his full column on page 79 of the May 2024 issue.
Will there still be print editions of BMW Car Club Magazine: Roundel and BMW Car Club Magazine: BimmerLife?
Yes! The BMW CCA remains committed to providing print issues of both edition types regularly in a sustainable way. Members will receive a print edition in their postal boxes in early June. The next planned digital-only issue for BMW Car Club Magazine: Roundel will be for December 2024. “Moving two issues to fully digital this year will allow us to continue offering club benefits and services without having to increase membership dues or cut or reduce those benefits. And we should anticipate seeing more updates to our print publications, digital media, and other content-related member services as we work to adapt BMW CCA to the evolving media landscape,” Gomon wrote.
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Tags: BMW CCA digital edition members-only Roundel