It won’t cost you anything to do something special for a BMW CCA member or supporting business this holiday season, other than a little time on your part. But it will be worth it as you give-a-nomination to a chapter member or local BMW support business that deserves recognition. It definitely helps bring the year to a better conclusion—yes, even in this difficult year.
How To Nominate
Some may not know where or how to nominate. First, go to:
From the homepage, getting to the nomination form is easy; just do the following:
- Move your cursor over the “ACTIVITIES” drop-down menu on the banner at the top of the homepage.
- Click “Recognition Program” and pay special attention to the various awards and their specific criteria.
- When ready to nominate, click the blue “Nominate a Member or Business” button.
- Follow the instructions and prompts on each page. A progress bar is visible toward to the top of the screen.
The award categories are as follows:
- Friend of the BMW CCA
- Outstanding Chapter Volunteer
- Outstanding Chapter Officer
- Outstanding CCA Supporter – BMW Center
- Outstanding CCA Supporter – Independent Business
If you have any questions, please contact your RVP or the Recognition Program Committee directly at:
Thank you for recognizing fellow BMW CCA members and businesses during 2020.
Your 2020 BMW CCA Recognition Program Committee (RPC):
- Leslie Moyer, Chair, South Atlantic Region
- Leann Stokes, South Central Region
- Pete Sullivan, North Atlantic Region
- ML Hillard, North Central Region
- Joe Vernon, Pacific Region