It’s that time of year when BMW CCA members can nominate their fellow members for their contributions to the BMW CCA.

The Outstanding Chapter Officer Award is for all chapter officers, whether it be the Chapter President, Vice President, Treasurer, or Secretary, who volunteer their time for the betterment of the club. They bring members together to provide them with the information and activities that enhance the BMW experience.

(Left to Right) Steve Libby and Andy Wiest.

The BMW CCA Recognition Program wants to recognize outstanding chapter officers. Here are some of the attributes that make a chapter officer outstanding:

  • Performs their elected office description above and beyond expectations
  • Promotes membership
  • Helps in the planning of Chapter functions/events
  • Has a broad knowledge of the BMW CCA
  • Attends chapter functions and events frequently
  • Has a reputation for going above and beyond
  • Provides articles for their chapter newsletters/website

Nominating a chapter officer for a Recognition Award is your chance to say “Thank You” for their dedication to your chapter and its members. Visit the Recognition Program page on BMW CCA’s website. From there you can get the details for submitting a nomination. All nominations must be submitted through the BMW CCA website to be considered. The deadline for the 2022 nominations will be January 31, 2023. The final selection of the award recipients is decided by the BMW CCA Board of Directors.

We look forward to seeing your nominations! If you have any questions about the Recognition Program, contact your Regional VP or the Recognition Program Committee at

Your 2022 BMW CCA Recognition Program Committee (RPC):

Leslie Moyer, Chair, South Atlantic Region

Leann Stokes, South Central Region

Pete Sullivan, North Atlantic Region

ML Hillard, North Central Region

Joe Vernon, Pacific Region


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