This past week’s winner in the Fill-up Friday challenge was Choo Choo Bimmers Chapter member Brenda Terrell. Some of our winners have had “older cars,” like E30s and E28s, while one winner had leather hood straps; this week’s winner covers the opposite end of the spectrum with her 2018 X3 M40i, freshly delivered this January!

Although Brenda’s winning post is of a brand-new car, in what might be an Instagram account so new that it only contains Fill-Up Friday posts, she’s been a BMW CCA member for 22 years! In that time, she has enjoyed many of the benefits of the club, so it stands to reason that she would also end up a winner of the $25 Shell gas card. Some of her highlights have included taking both European and Performance Center delivery of some of the BMWs she’s purchased. “They’re both great opportunities!” she says.

It hasn’t stopped there. “My first and only driving school was at VIR,” Brenda recalls. “What a day! Hearing, ‘Okay, great form, now let’s do it faster!’ from the instructor—what music to my ears!”

With Oktoberfest approaching this July in relatively close proximity to her Tennessee home, maybe this will be another year of fun for her there. “I have absolutely enjoyed attending Oktoberfest as many times as I have been able to get to it,” she says. “Always a grand time!”

But even with all of those activities, she points to the people as her number-one club enjoyment. “First and foremost for me is our local Chapter, Choo Choo Bimmers,” she explains. “We have so much fun together with meetings, drives, and many extracurricular activities. We are a great group of folks!”

And as so many chapters do, she pointed out that Choo Choo Bimmers enjoys great relations with a local BMW dealership, too. “Our local dealership, BMW of Chattanooga, has been supportive of our chapter. And I know about the BMW CCA rebate; I have claimed it many times!”

Thank you, Brenda, for your membership and your passion! Congratulations on your submission being selected! Shell and the BMW CCA have given out more than $325 in Shell gas cards so far this year. Every Friday, Shell and the BMW CCA will be awarding a BMW CCA member at least $25 in Shell fuel cards. Keep taking and submitting those pictures of you fueling up your car at Shell stations and posting them to Instagram with the hastags #fillupfriday, #bmwccashell, #fuelrewards, and #shell_ontheroad. We’ll announce the winners on Instagram and Facebook—and here on, too.


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