Watch online as we take the road trip of a lifetime! See videos and live broadcasts, and meet fellow enthusiasts as we travel across the US!

Every journey tells a story, but the BMW CCA Celebrate BMW Tour Presented by Michelin is even more. It’s the adventure of an epic cross-country drive, but it’s also the story of the BMW enthusiast, the BMW Car Club of America, and of the 100 years of the BMW Group—and you can be part of it.

For the next four weeks, follow along as myself, David Rose, and fellow BMW enthusiast Nick Parente capture our drive from Boston, Massachusetts to Monterey, California in the liveried BMW 640i Convertible for the Celebrate BMW festivities of mid August. On the way, we’ll be meeting up with members, and will film, photograph, and document the adventure.


The tour route can be seen above, and best of all, your participation is encouraged! We’ll be meeting up with members at gatherings along the way, so stay tuned for announcements about visits to your Chapters! After starting the morning with a Boston Chapter autocross on August 6, we head to Pittsburgh. The route is as follows:

August 6: Boston, Massachusetts to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

August 7: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Columbus, Ohio

August 8: Columbus, Ohio to St. Louis, Missouri

August 9: St. Louis, Missouri (preparation day)

August 10: St. Louis, Missouri to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

August 11: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to Albuquerque, New Mexico

August 12: Albuquerque, New Mexico to Colorado Springs, Colorado

August 13: Colorado Springs, Colorado to Boulder, Colorado

In Boulder, the BMW Vintage & Classic Car Club of America “Roads to Monterey” drive begins.

August 14: Boulder, Colorado to Salt Lake City, Utah

August 15: Salt Lake City, Utah to South Lake Tahoe, California

August 16: South Lake Tahoe, California to Sonoma, California

August 17: Sonoma, California to Monterey, California

The Sonoma to Monterey drive is the crown jewel of the drive of a lifetime, and all enthusiasts driving from across the country are encouraged to meet there for the final drive to Monterey!

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The BMW CCA Celebrate BMW Tour Presented by Michelin will, at its conclusion, encompass more than 17 Chapters, 4100 miles, and 15 states across eleven days. It’s a tour of superlatives, enjoyed from the cockpit of the BMW 640i Convertible and shared across the BMW CCA social networks.

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To stay up to date with updates, photography, and video blogs, follow the BMW CCA on all social networks. Follow along on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat (@bmwcca), and Twitter—and check back here on Bimmer Life, where we’ll be posting our most extensive updates! Also check these pages for meet-up opportunities, giveaways, and other unique Celebrate BMW Tour opportunities.

We’d like to thank the BMW Car Club of America and BMW of North America for their support, and to Michelin, Shell, IHG® Rewards Club, and Sony for making it possible to capture such a monumental drive. See you in Monterey!


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