Update from the Recognition Program Committee

Throughout the history of the BMW CCA, outstanding individuals, chapters, and businesses have supported the club in many ways, and we and believe this passion, enthusiasm, and commitment to the club should be recognized. Did you know that there are seven separate and distinct categories within the recognition program?

Recognition and Achievement Awards

The top five awards begin with nominations from you. There is no one better than you who knows what goes on within your chapter(s) and which BMW Centers and independent shops provide exceptional service and support to you and your fellow BMW CCA members. We encourage you to review each of the categories and think of some worthy individuals and organizations that deserve recognition. You may nominate more than one, and please remember that nominations need not be written in a vacuum, as chapter officers and boards are encouraged to promote participation and submit nominations of their own.

The 2020 awards nomination period is open now through January 31, 2021. More nomination information will be provided next week, so start thinking about who you would like to see recognized. Until then, you may visit the recognition program page on the BMW CCA website for additional information:

  1. Visit the BMW CCA website at BMWCCA.org
  2. Move your cursor over the “ACTIVITIES” drop-down menu on the banner at the top of the homepage
  3. Click “Recognition Program

Thank you for your participation and we look forward to seeing many nominations this year!

Your BMW CCA Recognition Program Committee (RPC) for 2020:

  • Leslie Moyer, Chair, South Atlantic Region
  • Leann Stokes, South Central Region
  • Pete Sullivan, North Atlantic Region
  • ML Hillard, North Central Region
  • Joe Vernon, Pacific Region



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