
If BMW ever experienced a so-called golden age, it was likely around 2001, when the automaker was producing cars like E46 M3, the Z8, the E38 7 Series, and of course, the E39 M5. Proportions, styling, performance, and the driving experience itself were all almost perfectly matched, with no substantial deficit between them. Today, although the E39 M5 and other cars from its era have long since been eclipsed in terms of capability, power, and technology, there is a distinct and highly enticing charm possessed by the model—something you simply can’t find in a modern M5.

In one of his latest car reviews, Doug DeMuro goes into great detail examining the quirks and features of the E39 M5. Regardless of how you feel about DeMuro or his content, and whether you’ve put 200,000 miles on an E39 M5, or are still dreaming of someday owning one, you’ll likely appreciate what he has to say about one of the best BMWs of all time, a description we don’t bestow lightly.—Alex Tock

[Photo and video courtesy BMW AG, Doug DeMuro on YouTube.]


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