Love BMW X vehicles? The BMW CCA is in the early stages of forming a non-geographic X Chapter just for you! 250 signatures are needed to move the petition for the charter forward to a National Board vote. The X Chapter of the BMW CCA will be open to all members. Whether you own an X vehicle or simply have an interest in one, this will allow X enthusiasts to share their mutual interests and organize events.

X Chapter Mission:

  • Bring together BMW SAV and SAC enthusiasts
  • Promote X awareness with events and fellowship
  • Assist local X enthusiast groups by promoting events and providing insurance
  • Provide a centralized location to find events and information for X enthusiasts

This chapter, when officially launched, can be your primary or secondary chapter and will offer all the same benefits as your local geographic chapter. Additional chapters are only $15.30 per year, and you can have as many additional chapters as you like.

To sign the petition, simply follow this link, log in using your BMW CCA credentials, type in your account number which is provided upon login, and click/tap the “Sign Petition” button. Entering your account number acts as your electronic signature.—Chris Hennecy



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