The BMW CCA is proud to announce the introduction of the Ladies Program Committee. The mission of the group will be to enhance the membership experience for current female members and pique the interest of potential members by offering interesting programs. The committee consists of one representative from each region under the BMW CCA umbrella.

The committee plans to meet via phone conference regularly to discuss ideas on to further improve the quality and quantity of events for BMW CCA women. Each region will have its own representative, who can be an asset to their regional chapter leadership. The group will also be involved with national events in order to enhance the current women-members experience. For example, there will be another exclusive women-only driving program at the BMW Performance Center during O’Fest Forever later this year.

Below are the committee member’s names along with their e-mail addresses.

Ladies Committee Representatives

Lou Ann Shirk, National,
Eileen Arnaud, North Atlantic,
Robin Warren, South Atlantic,
Eve Dolenski, North Central,
Janet Kiyota, Central,
Sue Fota, Pacific,
Jackie Bechek, Performance Center Liaison,



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