Congratulations to this week’s Shell Fill-Up Friday winner, Golden Gate Chapter member Doug Broussard, who won a $50 Shell gift card thanks to this picture of his M2 filling up at Shell!

“This 2018 M2 with executive package came to me by way of the same friend who sold me his one-owner 2000 M5, a car that at 180,000 miles I still track a few times a year,” said Doug. “My friend pinged me and asked if I was interested in a low-mileage M2, as he was planning to trade it to both downsize and upgrade his current stable of cars. I decided to fly to Maine to pick up the car, spent a couple of days touring southern Maine, and started a grand tour back to California by way of Cape Canaveral. All told, the trip was about 4,300 miles, each one a delight, and every drop of my 22 MPG was Shell V-Power Nitro! I’m really enjoying the more lightweight and tech-saturated M2—it’s a blast and the start of another long-term love affair.”

Asked how he found out about the BMW CCA, he said, “I’ve known about the BMW CCA for a long time—I’ve been a car guy for many years, but finally joined when I got my first four-wheeled BMW. Joining the club was a no-brainer—it’s a rich resource for more information about BMWs past and present. I really enjoy reading Roundel.”

As always, thank you, Doug, for your support of the club—and for your participation in Fill-Up Friday!

Want to win a $50 Shell Gift Card?

Shell and the BMW CCA awards a BMW CCA member a $50 Shell V-Power NiTRO+ gift card every Friday! For a chance to win, all you have to do is post a picture to Instagram of your car being fueled up at Shell with the hashtags #fillupfriday, #bmwccashell, #fuelrewards, #shell_ontheroad and follow @shell_ontheroad. Bonus points for great captions or comments!

We’ll announce the winner on Instagram, Facebook, and BimmerLife every Friday. Good luck, everyone!


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