The Recognition Program Committee would like to remind all members of the BMW CCA that it is time once again to nominate your fellow members who have gone above and beyond for the club. Here are the awards for which you may nominate your peers:

Friend of the BMW CCA
Outstanding Chapter Volunteer
Outstanding Chapter Officer
Outstanding BMW CCA Supporter: BMW Centers
Outstanding BMW CCA Supporter: Independent Business
The description and criteria for each of the awards can be found on the BMW CCA website under the Recognition Program page.

All nominators, nominees, and chapters must be in good standing and full compliance for the entire nomination period. Follow this link to the online nomination form. You must log in to access the form.

The deadline for 2019 nominations is January 31, 2020!

Please note: Any BMW CCA member in good standing may nominate another BMW CCA member in good standing for any of the awards! The Friend of the BMW CCA Award is a lifetime achievement award, and recipients are only recognized once. All other awards are based on activity in the nomination period and can be awarded to worthy recipients more than once.

When the nominations are assessed, consideration is given to the selection criteria and compared with other nominations. As the selection criteria suggest, we are interested in recognizing individuals or businesses that support chapter activities; nominations by or on behalf of chapters is strongly encouraged.

The Recognition Program Committee would like to thank everyone who helped to make the Recognition Program such a success in 2018. We look forward to the nominations that will be coming in for 2019. Any questions may be sent to



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