They toss you the keys and as the vintage metal lands in your hands, it gets real. This is your car—your BMW 2002. You know it’s well-sorted as it doesn’t just simply run, it runs beautifully. There’s nothing quite like the sound of a refreshed M10 engine, being commanded by a five-speed transmission, or the feeling of our hands gripping the three-spoke old-school steering wheel as you admire that new interior, feet planted on the CocoMats inside. You might crank down the windows or even reach below that crack-free dash and adjust the air conditioning as you visualize your inaugural drive is just moments away.
Thankfully, you don’t have to chase bids on any online auction for this. You don’t have to worry that you might overpay for your BMW 2002. And you don’t have to worry about an unknown history. You can win this Nevada 1973 2002, refreshed by La Jolla Independent, just by purchasing a $25 raffle ticket (or two, or three, or…) in the new BMW CCA Classic Car Raffle.
There are a few things different about this raffle. First, it’s only five weeks from start to finish. While there will be flash drawings throughout that period, don’t wait too long to get your tickets. Second, this car is real—very real. I’ve personally driven this car and based on that experience, I just wanted to keep driving and not give it back. (I also wanted to stop writing columns so I could buy my own raffle tickets and win this beauty. Yet, here I am, not only still writing, but also encouraging you all to win the car I covet.)
I’m no 2002 expert, but I’ve enjoyed putting miles on my own 2002. (This one…not part of the raffle!)
I’m not the expert on 2002s and I may not be the expert on the intricacies of cars either. But I consider myself an expert on “WHOA THAT IS FUN!” and that was my experience driving this 2002. I do own a 1973 2002tii that is officially more powerful than a carbureted 2002, but not once did I feel like this zippy Nevada ‘73 2002 was wanting for power. I wasn’t racing it, but I was having fun between stop lights and some fourth gear—and fifth!—gear speeds. Those responsible folks among you will be relieved to hear the brakes work great, too.
During my three-hour stint with this classic BMW, I spent one third of the time driving it, one third of the time photographing it, and one third of the time answering or fending off questions and lauds from at least twenty passers-by. Fair warning: it’s an attention-getter, a conversation piece, a smile-generator. You need to be smiling at stoplights because people will be looking at you. Even if you’ll be using the air conditioning, be prepared to roll down those windows and confirm the year or for some, even that it is a BMW. Get ready to nod and smile when so many will share how this reminds them of their childhood or their neighbor’s car or the car they always wanted.
People come from hundreds and thousands of miles to have La Jolla Independent work on their cars. That’s already been done for you here!
There’s something to be said for that seat-of-your-pants driving, feeling every bit of the ride, enjoying that large greenhouse of visibility, feeling the wind through those cranked vent windows, and winding that engine out. If you have concerns about motoring around in a classic vehicle, there’s also something to be said for knowing that this car comes refreshed from Carl and the awesome team at La Jolla Independent. The history of a car is important and this Nevada ‘73 2002 comes with a solid pedigree of BMW CCA ownership and proper maintenance. And you don’t have to take my word for it. After driving this ’73 2002 back from SoCal Vintage, CCA member Eric Sorenson immediately bought raffle tickets for it!