
Cars & Coffee Added To Upcoming Food Drive At BMW CCA Headquarters On November 21

Last week you may have seen our announcement for the upcoming food drive at the BMW CCA National Headquarters on November 21 from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Today we are excited to announce the addition of a Cars & Coffee gathering to this event—plus some special incentives—in an effort to get as many donations as possible!

Our Cars & Coffee meet will be open to the general public—all makes and models are welcome! We have a total capacity of 450 cars. There is no registration or fee, but we kindly ask that all participants bring food donations to benefit the United Ministries’ food pantry. The primary Cars & Coffee parking area will be on the BMW CCA lawn with an overflow parking area at LeMans Karting across the street. Spectators are also welcome, and general parking will be available behind the 4 Points Church.

Special bonus: Everyone who makes a donation will be given a raffle ticket for a chance to win two Track Meet slots (a value of $499 each) from the BMW Performance Center! The Track Meet offering is a half-day program that begins with lunch at noon, with driving events until 4:00 p.m., and then a reception afterwards. Additional prizes will be awarded including “Genesis” exhibit-themed apparel from the BMW CCA Foundation! You don’t have to be present to win—just be sure to write your name, phone number, and email address on your raffle ticket stub.

But that’s not all! Everyone who makes a donation to the food pantry at the event will receive coupons for $5 off at the BMW CCA onsite merchandise tent, 20% off Le Mans Karting, and $5 off BMW CCA Foundation Museum admission!

Food Donations For United Ministries Food Pantry

Sadly, the COVID-19 pandemic has created a crisis that has put many families in a tough financial spot, resulting in an even greater need for food donations during these holidays. However, we know that the generosity of our BMW Car Club of America members and our local enthusiast community can make a big difference!

Here are some examples of needed goods:

Can’t Make It To The Event? You Can Donate Online!

Members can make a monetary donation to the Food Drive to benefit United Ministries here. On the donation page, you can change the quantity to the specific amount you’d like to donate and update the cart. Please Note: You will need to be logged in as a current member. Members may also call the national office at 864-250-0022 to donate via phone.

Roll Up Your Sleeves!

The BMW CCA will be hosting a blood donation drive as part of the Cars & Coffee event. The Blood Connection will be on site from 9:00 a.m. to noon for donations. Donors get at $20 gift card! To make an appointment, follow the directions listed here on the flyer.

Directions, Parking and Food Drop-Off

This event will be held at the BMW CCA Headquarters, located at 2350 Highway 101 South, Greer, South Carolina 29651. All participants who wish to park in the Cars & Coffee area on the lawn of the headquarters will need to enter from the far southeast corner of the property from Highway 101. If you are coming from the direction of I-85, then you will drive past the main buildings until you see the blue BMW CCA tent on your right, at the far end of the field. That’s where you will turn in. If you are coming from the south and driving north on Highway 101, then you will make a left off Highway 101 onto the field before you get to the main buildings.

We ask that all guests turn onto the field and drop off donations inside the club field, so we don’t back up traffic on Hwy 101 S. There will be an additional donation drop-off station at LeMans Karting. When you present your food donations, you will be given the discount coupons and a raffle ticket for a chance to win the BMW Performance Center Track Meet seats.

Please note: In the event of rain, the Cars & Coffee portion of the event will be cancelled due to the parking being on grass.


We ask interested volunteers to contact our volunteer coordinator, BMW CCA Sandlapper Chapter President, Tom Lappin, at

Health And Safety

We will be observing social-distancing guidelines from the CDC. For your safety and that of our friends and families, participants must wear a mask when they are outside and not able to socially distance.

Due to the virus, general access to the building will not be available, but there will be access to the bathrooms on the upper level of the main building. Wearing a mask is required for entry. The bathrooms will be closed periodically for sanitation.

We look forward to seeing you at the BMW CCA Headquarters, on Saturday, November 21, from 9:00 a.m. to  noon! Let’s help fill the shelves of the United Ministries’ food pantry and help our neighbors in the Greenville and Spartanburg area!Chris Hennecy

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