
Fill-Up Friday Winner: Bessie Gessner!

We have now given away over $375 in Shell gift cards to club members this year! Every week a new winner is selected from member submissions on Instagram, and this week’s winner is Golden Gate Chapter member Bessie Gessner! Bessie has won a $25 Shell gift card with the shot of her Long Beach Blue M2 filling up at her local Shell station.

“I’ve been a longtime user of Shell—since the 1990s. I like the fuel-rewards program, and of course the V-Power NITRO+ fuel, especially since my M2 can get quite thirsty,” says Bessie.

Bessie has been a club member for three years, and recently became a lifetime member. “My husband, Mike, has been a longtime member, and I wanted to get more involved. I took advantage of my then-chapter’s M School Club day [National Capital Chapter], which got me hooked on BMW and driving to my limits. That school also gave me an opportunity to drive the M2 before I was even able to order the car from my dealer due to the wait list,” says Bessie.

When asked what her favorite thing is about being a member, she said, “It’s hard to pick one favorite thing, but I’ve enjoyed meeting new people with a shared passion. I’ve dabbled in cars & coffee, social meetups, and autocross, and will be doing my first HPDE with my current chapter [Golden Gate] at Laguna Seca later this month. I’ve also been to Festorics and a few of the IMSA races—VIR and Laguna Seca—with the club. It’s great to get access to the teams, up close and personal. Turner Motorsport even let me sit in their M6 GT3 at Laguna Seca!”

It sounds like Bessie has been making the most of her club experience by participating in some of the awesome opportunities offered by our 68 chapters across the US. We hope that you, too, are enjoying your club membership and making it out to events!

Well, until next week, keep posting your shots to Instagram for a chance to win. And, as always, thank you, Bessie, for your support of the club and participation in Fill-Up Friday!—Chris Hennecy

Want to win a $25 Shell Gift Card?

Every Friday, Shell and the BMW CCA award a BMW CCA member a $25 Shell V-Power NiTRO+ gift card. For a chance to win, all you have to do is post a picture to Instagram of your car being fueled up at Shell with the hastags #fillupfriday, #bmwccashell, #fuelrewards, and #shell_ontheroad. We’ll announce the winner on Instagram and BimmerLife every Friday. Good luck, everyone!

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