
Albuquerque to Colorado Springs: Celebrate BMW Tour Presented by Michlelin

The eighth day of the BMW CCA Celebrate BMW Tour has begun! Today we conquer Pikes Peak, meet some Rocky Mountain Chapter members and link up with the VCCCA for Roads to Monterey. In the meantime, check out our progress and video blog from day seven. For all the rest of the updates, click here!

As BMW enthusiasts, the BMW Car Club of America is often the go-to place for getting together with other BMW owners. Whether it’s in an HPDE, car show, or simply a chapter meeting you can be sure to find something on the local chapter’s calendar that will introduce you to like minded individuals.

However, not all events fall under the CCA’s purview. There are countless independently organized events, both big and small, that both members and non-members enjoy attending. Drive4Corners is one of those independently organized events, that has a unique spin on the typical car show format.

At Drive4Corners, it’s all about driving. Caravans meet up on the way to the event, which is housed in Pagosa Springs, CO. Once they reach their destination, it’s just a short rest before they are back in the car again, off on one of 4 days worth of driving tours around the area. This format brings an eclectic mix of BMWs out. Everything from late-model M cars to patina’d E24s and E28s join the tour, and everyone seems to have an equally fun time.

The roads in the 4 corners region of Colorado really lend themselves to this type of event. Both driving in and out of Pagosa Springs, we were in awe of the great mountain passes and the gorgeous views that they offered. If only we had the time in our schedule to spend an extra day with the group, I’m sure we would have driven some of the best roads in our life.

After leaving Pagosa Springs, we had a long, 5 hour haul to Colorado Springs, our destination for the night. At this point, we’re used to pulling in late to hotels, and it’s always nice to have our hotels right along our route. Luckily, our Holiday Inn Express was not only right off the main road into the city, but also is just a short drive from tomorrows destination, Pikes Peak. Keep an eye out for tomorrow’s update!


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